
About the share

Share capital:  201.265.404,26 EUR, paid in full

Ticker in CDCC: HIMR-R-A

Ticker on the regulated market of Zagreb Stock Exchange: HIMR


Number of issued shares: 2.279.473 without nominal value: 


Contact for shareholders 051-667-712, info@imperial.hr

By order of the Commercial Court in Rijeka, dated May 26, 2023, a share capital decrease by € 0,26, from € 201.265.404,26 to € 201.265.404,00 was registered. The number of issued shares 2.279.473, registered without nominal value.

By order of the Commercial Court in Rijeka, dated November 27, 2021, a share capital increase by HRK 689.765.631,10, from HRK 826.668.557,32  to HRK 1.516.434.188,42 was Registered.

The issue of 790.010 new registered ordinary shares without nominal value increased the number of issued shares to 2.279.473
registered shares without nominal value.

By order of the Commercial Court in Rijeka, dated November 28, 2019, a share capital increase by HRK 426.088.157,32, from HRK 400.580.400 to HRK 826.668.557,32 was registered.

The issue of 488.012 new registered ordinary shares without nominal value increased the number of issued shares to 1,489.463 registered shares without nominal value.

By order of the Commercial Court in Rijeka, Hoteli Makarska d.d. was merged with Imperial d.d. in June 2019, and the company’s name was changed to Imperial Riviera d.d. on June 29, 2019.

The merger of these two companies has resulted in an increased accommodation offer; at present, Imperial Riviera boasts seven hotels, three resorts and two campsites, i.e. a total capacity of 9,700 guests.

By order of the Commercial Court in Rijeka, dated June 28, 2019, a share capital increase by HRK 146,238,400, from HRK 254,342,000 to HRK 400,580,400, was registered.

The issue of 365,596 new registered ordinary shares without nominal value increased the number of issued shares to 1,001,451 registered shares without nominal value.

Shares are issued in dematerialised form and entered into the Dematerialised securities depository of Central Depository and Clearing Company Inc. Zagreb.

The holder of ordinary shares of the Issuer has the right to vote at the General Assembly of Shareholders, the right to participate in dividends and the right to bankruptcy or liquidation. Each share carries one vote. The shareholder has the right to information and notice of the Issuer's work.



  • 1997 – trading of shares of Imperial d.d. started at Varaždin Stock Exchange
  • 20/11/2001 – share entered into the Dematerialised securities depository of Central Depository Agency known today as Central Depository and Clearing Company Inc. Zagreb
  • 28/7/2003 – according to the legal obligations, share was listed in quotation of the public limited companies of Varaždin Stock Exchange
  • 16/3/2007 – after merging of Varaždin and Zagreb stock exchanges, the share of Imperial d.d. transfers to the quotation of the public limited companies of Zagreb Stock Exchange
  • 1/1/2009 – according to changes of legal regulations, the share is included in the regular market of Zagreb Stock Exchange on which trading is performed regularly.


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